Thursday, August 21, 2008

Supply shopping!

Good morning everyone. Great news (for me, I hope) I finally got all my letters put in the mail! If you are reading this and you received a fundraising letter, please consider helping me in this effort. It is for a great cause! And please do not hesitate to get in touch with me should you have any questions.

Monday I took some time to go shopping for a few items I'll need to bring. I bought a sun hat (it looks kind of goofy on me, but I'll be glad I bought it when I'm out in the sun!) and 2 types of bug repellent. One of them I have to wash my clothes in it before I leave and the other one is for exposed skin. The sales associate at REI told me it's what the CDC recommends, so I trust that he suggested the best! My mom picked up a pair of khakis and a longer linen skirt to bring as well. We will have a pretty strict dress code, so I have to be sure to pack well!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hooray! I'm proofing your CV right now but I've already bookmarked your blog. Love ya, Steph