Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's hard to say goodbye...

A crazy few days it has been! Yesterday was business as usual at the clinic. One of the women that live near our clinic invited us into her home. This was my first time going into a slum home, and I was surprised at how big it really was. Granted, this is a better slum house than most in Mathare, because she had concrete floor as opposed to dirt. She had beautiful black and white photos all over the walls of her family. She had 14 children and one husband (although, her husband had 2 wives). She doesn't speak English, but her daughter translated for us, and told us a story about her husband and some of her children that passed away. She offered us Cokes again, and although we feel awful taking them, it is disrespectful not to. We always give them away to one of our volunteers because we know we don't need them.

We finished up the clinic early on Monday, so headed out to run a few errands. After coming back to the HEART compound, we showered, got ready then were out again for a Nairobi Rotary Club meeting. I'm not even in Rotary and am starting to consider myself one of them! I've been to a few meetings and have met so many Rotary International members! I'm definitely going to look into it when I get home. Anyways, we met Dr. Mir at his club (Dr. Mir has a clinic in Mathare and has been signing all of our registration papers at the clinic). It took us a while to get there with a combination of traffic and getting a little lost. But, we finally made it and did a meet-and-greet with the other members. The president's wife, Cheryl, has started a project on books for younger children about HIV and AIDS. I need to give her a call because she said she would try and get the books to me before I leave. I didn't have a chance today unfortunately, but will try tomorrow or Thursday.

It was tough pulling up in Mathare this morning, knowing it was my last day. I've gotten into a routine, and every day I look more and more forward to seeing the kids and spending time with everyone at Community Transformers. It was a normal day, organizing the kids, getting some good photos, talking to my Kenyan boyfriends :).... the usual! I talked to Stephen for a while today, he works for Hope Worldwide. I've learned a lot from him as well about what he does for the children in his community and his love for them. It's amazing how these people work SO hard for what makes them HAPPY, not what makes them money, and they are really making a difference. Again, I'll say it, they are such an inspiration! They have touched my heart and changed my life. This has definitely been an amazing experience and worth every effort. I had expectations, but they have long been passed!

Before lunch, Nick took me to his rescue center. He has rescued 32 children. One of the little ones is HIV positive. Another, he found near a sewage ditch (and when I put up my pictures, you will see what these ditches look like....). He has 2 rooms I saw that are already set up. One for girls, one for boys. Each room has several bunk beds, but the rooms are VERY small. A few women work there and help watch the kids and feed them. Nick just got another room that he wants to get a TV in and make it a game room for the kids to have a place to play. He told me that many nights he stays there with them until they fall asleep... he just loves those kids. I can't wait to show you my pictures of the center and with some of the children. They weren't all there, because most were still in school! But, I did get to carry around one of the babies. Cutest in the world :) I told Nick he's awesome, and all he said to me was "No, you are awesome..." He really deserves so much credit. I can go home to my bed, my car, good food, a good job, a healthy and loving family, and he will still be at CT working hard for his community... and it really doesn't seem fair.

We cleaned up the clinic this afternoon, packed everything in boxes, and gathered around for a group photo. Nick spoke on behalf of all the Kenyan volunteers and thanked us. I couldn't even look at him in the eye. It was really hard saying goodbye. I gave hugs to all of my closest friends there, Paul, Washington, Eric, Elizabeth, Leah, Charles, Collins and Stephen. I couldn't give Nick a hug, and he even said he didn't want to say anything. He had to come by HEART tonight, but we weren't back yet. I am hoping to get a hold of him on Thursday, and I'm sure he will come out here to say goodbye. We shed some tears, and just held our breath as we walked out of the clinic. Paul and Washington were sitting outside, so I gave them one last "hit the rock" and swallowed hard to run up to the truck. Paul and Elizabeth ended up coming to the truck and waved at us goodbye. I just let my head fall onto the window and kept crying as we drove passed the "hotels," food stands, garbage, fires, children walking in the streets alone, older women carrying very heavy packages on their heads and men trying to bring food home to their families...

These guys and girls are absolutely amazing... and I really can't put my feelings in to words, because there are no words for them. You see pictures, and read stories, but you can never know what it feels like until you have experienced it. The sights, sounds, smells and emotions that come over you are indescribable. I have learned SO MUCH on this trip, and hope to keep my relationships with the Kenyans strong so I can come back and work with them again. I can't wait to start school to continue pushing me forward into helping people in countries like Kenya.

That's all I have for now, we have to be up really early for our treat... the one day safari to Nairobi National Park! I'm looking forward to eating at Carnivore... which is one of the top 10 restaurants in the world! (Or so I've heard). I'll be busy Thursday packing, hopefully seeing Nick one last time, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can grab lunch with Mary (I met Mary through my internship in Paris 2 years ago, she is a board member for the International Union for Health Promotion and Education and lives in Nairobi!) Then, it's off to the airport for my flight Thursday night! I'll be back in the States Friday afternoon, and plan to make another post or two on here with a link to my pictures and a big thank you to everyone who has been reading and who helped make this trip possible for me!

Good night for now and asante sana!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mutatus, a party and toothbrushes


It wouldn't be right if I didn't make at least one comment on Nairobi traffic. The notorius Mutatus (Moo-tah-toos) are all over the place. Someone told me there are over 40,000 in Nairobi. They are these mini buses that are pimped out, and I'm not joking. They have systems and are always blaring music (Ruby-style, to all of you who know what I'm talking about!), have decals all over them with pictures of Ciara, Kayne West, Snoop Dogg, Bob Marley, etc. They also have sayings on the windshields- for example "Lo Ryder", "Smooth", "Luscious." It's hilarious. They also have neons inside, so at night, they glow... They are always packed with people, with children on people's laps, all schmooshed in! Add them to crazy traffic, road lines missing from most streets, no crosswalks, people walking and riding bikes everywhere... and you get a recipe for disaster! I don't want to forget to mention the people who CUT THROUGH the round-a-bouts!! Or the Mutatus that go the wrong way on a one way. There are no red lights. There are hardly any cops.

I think my last post was right before the reception at the Kenya Comfort Hotel Suites with all of the other volunteers at the other sites and our lovely Kenyan volunteers. I was so excited to spend the night with Stephen (of Hope Worldwide), Elizabeth (a nurse), Paul, Nick and Collins. I sat between all of them and we had a great time. It was definitely the best night so far. Nick and Collins are hilarious- they act like brothers. I want to take all of them home with me in my suitcase :) I really enjoy their company. They have such positive outlooks and their caring attitudes are addicting! They are amazing young adults...

I met Carl Good at the hotel Friday night and talked him in to joining us in Mathare so he could talk to Nick about his programs and see their VCT site. I was happy for Nick, because I think Carl has a pretty big influence on HIV testing, and I want Nick to get as much exposure as possible for his organization. Carl came on Saturday and said he was really glad to see the VCT and what they are doing on the ground. I can't wait to put my video up on YouTube of the skits they do to catch the attention of the passer-bys.

Yesterday (Saturday) was tough waking up. Luckily, the doctors finished up with the clinic really early. Fay and I were just outside Mathare helping some dental students distribute over 1,000 toothbrushes and pens to some school children for most of the day. The students also gave demonstrations on brushing teeth, some oral hygeine and William (one of the HEART drivers) gave a demonstration on hand washing. It was a great experience and wonderful to see how all the kids reacted. They were all so excited to get a toothbrush and a pen. Hope Worldwide donated milk, bread and other refreshments for the children and helped us organize all the kiddies.

When we got back to CT from the school yard, William helped us load everything into the Land Cruiser and the Danish team came with us so they could shower at HEART before the Gala that was put on by the District Governor. We were almost to Lord Errols (an amazing restaurant where we wanted to stop for a drink before showering) and William rear-ended someone. The car was a small Rav-4, and the HEART truck is massive with a big bar on the front. No damage was done to our truck, but the Rav-4's rear windshield shattered and made a pretty nasty dent in the back. The guy in the Rav-4 works for the UN, so he was able to get a hold of the cops quickly. Apparently, it could take up to 3 hours for a cop to show up. It was a mess. We caused quite the traffic jam! One of the cops even bribed William- that if he didn't give up 1000 shillings, he would take him to jail overnight!!! Crazy! We finally made it to Lord Errols, had a drink on the terrace (another amazing place, in contrast to the slums) then went back to HEART to get ready. We went to a hotel in downtown Nairobi for the Gala. It was very nice. I sat with a group from Pennsylvania- Peter, Andy and Amrita. They were all really nice, and it was a good change from the team (don't get me wrong, I love the team, but Andy and Amrita are my age!). The US Ambassador was there, and a few other ambassadors. He had a great speech and it really opened my eyes to the great relationship the US has with Kenya. It's very encouraging! At the beginning of December, the White House is unveiling a new program that is suppose to have a HUGE hand in the fight against HIV and AIDS. I am really looking forward to learning more about the new program. It's amazing what President Bush has done for Kenya and the fight against disease here. The head of PEPFAR in Kenya was also in attendance last night, Buck Buckingham. I was hoping to have a moment with him to chat, but he is quite the busy man. We were all anxious to get home and into bed, so immediately after dinner, we all headed back to the HEART compound. I was starting to feel like I was coming down with something, so I took a Tylenol and jumped in to bed! I slept so good last night :)

Today we had the day off. It was really relaxing and a nice change of pace to stay out of the slums for the day. Although... we did drive by Kibera slums, but we were quite far away. Kibera slums are one of the largest in the world, I think second next to a community outside of Buenos Aires (?). Me, Vickie, Fay and William went into town to pick up the Danes and we were off to the Giraffe Center!! It was so fun. We were allowed to touch the giraffes and feed them, I've got some great pictures. I could have spent all day there. Then, we stopped at Karen Blixen's house (the author of Out of Africa), did a little shopping, then went to the Rotary Club of Nairobi for a cookout. I met up with Lizzy there and we had some great food. We didn't stay for very long. Vickie wanted to get back, and I am really glad we did come back early.

I needed this day to reflect and recover a bit. We still have 2 more days in Mathare, and I want to make the best of them. Nick is supposed to take me to his rescue center for children, and I want to go back to VCT. Wednesday is our one-day safari, and Thursday I leave for home! I can't believe how quickly my time here is going. I'm not quite ready to go home. I've begun to make such great relationships with people here, then I have to leave :( Nick wants me to spend the day at Community Transformers with him on Thursday since my flight isn't until 9:30pm or so. I'm not sure how I'll get out there, but I'd like to spend the day with the guys again. I also wanted to help them a little more with Excel spreadsheets. David has helped them quite a bit, but I want to make sure they have it down before we leave. I also want to sit down with Nick and see if there is anything I can get him or send him from home. He really is starting from scratch, and although they have some great resources and a grant, there is so much more they need to support themselves and their community. Any suggestions?

Please keep reading, and leave me comments or send me emails!! I love reading them and it really means a lot to know you are thinking of me! :) Also, don't forget to check out www.mnpblog.com for pictures from Michael Norwood. He took some great shots while he was here and many of them are from our clinic and the VCT clinic in Mathare that I've been to.

Asante sana! (Thank you!)

Friday, September 26, 2008


Today is Friday and we finished a bit early. The last group of children were unable to make it from school to the dental clinic. A great chance to get a post up!

Yesterday was a long, but fun day. We of course were at the dental clinic all day, but took a break around lunch to go to a HEART WEEP center. I don't even know where to begin. These women started working at WEEP when they were very sick, hungry, and unable to care for their children and any other children in their family. All the women that work at WEEP have AIDS. But now they have learned a trade (they make school uniforms for a program HEART puts on for schools upcountry and sweaters, soap and shirts) and are so strong and confident. They were so happy to see us and told us a little bit about them. How many children they have, that Vickie has saved them, and that they love working at WEEP. There are no words for them either. They are amazing women doing great things for themselves, their families, and their community.

Our group left by 3 and stopped at Windsor Golf Hotel and Country Club (I know, what a contrast...). Yes, there are country clubs in Nairobi, and they will give American country clubs a run for their money! You can go from the slums in the morning, to an absolutely beautiful club or home in the evening. And that's just what we did last night. The Danish team came along with us in the HEART Land Cruiser so they could shower at the Lodge with us instead of going all the way back to the hotel in downtown Nairobi. It worked out nicely and we were on our way to the U.S. Deputy Ambassador's residence. Absolutely beautiful home, like out of a movie. There were several white tents set up, tall tables with flowers and candles, and open bar (including wine and Tusker, a favorite African beer). Nick (the founder of Community Transformers, and my new buddy) and Pastor Lou (from California, also staying at the HEART Lodge) came with us. I was very excited Nick came because I really wanted him to meet as many people as possible. He needs the exposure. I believe in his organization and what it is doing for the community of Mathare. In Mathare, they say as many as one in three could have HIV. Nick thinks there are approximately 2 million people living in Mathare. Nick was able to talk to me a little about where he has come from and where he has been and wants to go... he was raised in Mathare and his parents died when he was very young. Many of his family members have AIDS and some have died from AIDS-related diseases. He understands what life is like there and what the struggles are, and he wants to change it. He opened a rescue center for children, started Community Transformers, is part of the VCT team, does home-based care, makes sure children go to school and take medication if they need to. He also takes people to the hospital if they are unable. Children are very near to his heart, and he has the dream of a generation free of HIV and AIDS. Every day when he goes out there to do VCT, he hopes he will get more and more people to come. The more people that come, the more he and the others can help. It's so difficult to put this all on paper... but when Nick talks, you know he truly loves his people and that he wants to do everything he can to help them. I really want to try and do something for him and his organization. I told him I can try to get an article he writes in a journal for exposure, or send over some books or supplies, even help get him to a conference in the United States. He's never been, but when I told him he can stay with me, he was so happy and so excited.

After the deputy ambassador's house, we went to the district governor's house. Another mini mansion. We had dinner there and were recognized again for our efforts. Geeta Manek is head of the Rotary group 9200 in Nairobi, and it was her home. She is a wonderful woman, and very sincere and hardworking.

This morning I sat with Nick in the CT office (with Maria on my lap) and he told me a little more about what he is feeling and how he was so happy I introduced him to some people last night. He is so inspiring (I think I keep saying this over and over again, but there are just no words to express how proud I am of this young man. He is only 26 years old and changing a community with the help of a few friends. These guys could very easily be doing something else and have nothing to do with the good of the community. Colins, for example, is only 23. I didn't have a job at 23. I was living with my parents, looking for a job, working at the golf course... hardly a feat compared to them...) He showed me the book where they keep track of everyone they test, so far this week, they have tested about 150. Nick said he was in Mathare around 6:00 this morning trying to find a place for VCT to be today. He has to walk around and look for empty rooms or spaces, and ask the people around if he can use it. Incredible. He is so proud of what he does, and he continues to fight for healthy Kenyans. David, another guy from California sat with him and Leah for a while showing them some things on Excel. They just received computers from HEART and are just learning how to use them. I am going to work with them a little more while I am here to make sure they will be able to keep their finances straight for the remainder of the year with their grant. We hope they will earn another grant for next year.

Well, I wish I could write more, but sometimes there are no words for what these all of these people are doing. I am so happy to have met them. We are planning on keeping in touch, and I hope I can come back again soon to see how they are doing.

Tonight we are going to the hotel for another reception. Nick, Colins, Paul, Eric and Stephen are all invited. I'm REALLY excited for it :) I like to show them off. It seems the other teams are not having the same interaction we are, and I am very grateful for that! It's amazing how much you learn about everything Kenya when having a conversation with someone who is from here... I can't wait to see what the next few days will bring.

See you!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Maria and Timothy

Maria and Timothy are my two new favorite kids (sorry Lillie and Arizona!). They are always hanging around Community Transformers. I think they live in the same little area. I have a great picture with both of them and can't wait to put it up here when I get home. They are so polite and love to hold my hand and of course ask "How are you?!" (I think it might be the only thing they can say in English, besides "I'm fine!")

Today was another jam-packed day, we saw 46 kids and pulled 61 teeth. We had a few screamers, but most of the kids were very good and very strong. Although our team is not as big as it was supposed to be (in the beginning, everyone was to be together- medical, dental, optometry, nurses, etc. and we were to move to a different slum every few days. Instead, we are all split up due to politics in the grants). The weather was really hot... but we are very lucky because we are inside for the whole day and it stays reasonably cool and comfortable! Plus, not many bugs. A few flies make their way in, but that is about it. When Jackson picked us up this afternoon, there was a HUGE traffic jam, people and cars were everywhere, I managed to get a decent video of it all!After the camp today, we stopped for some money, lollipops for the kids, then went and got some posters, chalk, pencils, etc. for a school nearby our camp.

I've made great friends so far (besides Maria and Timothy!) with Paul, Washington, Eric, Nick, Joseph and Charles. Again, they are such an incredible bunch! We've taken a few pictures together, so of course will post those as soon as possible.

I bought a bracelet and necklace from "The Mother" (she is an older woman with AIDS that helps support the young adults at Community Transformers)

Well, I'm going to get a shower, do some journaling and head to bed. It's only 7:00, but I'm exhausted. We have a busy day tomorrow and a reception put on by the U.S. Embassy at an expatriate's house with the entire group that is here in the evening (in all the slums, not just ours). It should be a great event!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Greetings from Kenya!! :)

Here is my first update, a lot has happened since I got here, but I will try to sum up the highlights and keep it somewhat short :) (somewhat!)

I am learning SO much here in Kenya. I got in Sunday night and we started off with a meeting Monday morning with the other 72 volunteers at the hotel in Nairobi, then got to work. We are divided into 3 groups, each at a different slum community. I am in Mathare with a team of dentists from Denmark. They are a wonderful team! I have been helping a little with the dentists, getting children in from the other room, making sure they have paperwork, and keeping them organized. We are at a center called Community Transformers (CT). It is a group of young people like myself who first started out helping a family. It kept leading to different projects, and now they have several offices around the slums. They are absolutely incredible. I read about these programs, but wonder how they really work, and what they look like. These kids are changing their community. They've had computers donated to them, t-shirts, banners, posters, stickers, etc. For the rest of the week, when they are free, I will be helping some of them learn Excel. They do house visits, conduct clinics like ours, and the coolest... work with the VCT (Voluntary Counseling and Testing) team. And this team is equally impressive. I walked to the VCT clinic today with a few of the Kenyans quite a bit deeper into Mathare. (The CT office is right on the outskirt, so although it is bad, it is nothing compared to the interior of the slums...). The walk was difficult. I'm finding my days here are mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting. I have shed a few tears, but try to keep it together for everyone around me. Everyone I have met has such a positive outlook, and it is infectious. The VCT clinic is part of a school that the team is using for space. They move every few days to a different section of the slums. Inside the building, they set up tents and put two chairs inside for privacy. Each person that tests and counsels is trained and certified by the health ministry. To drum up excitement, another group goes out front and starts singing and does a skit with reference to why it is so important to get tested. A lot of people gather around and they get some clients this way. (I took a video, so will find a way to post it when I get back!) They also walk through the community with a banner, singing and yelling and convincing people to get tested. Once they are tested, if their status is HIV positive, the counselor gets them in touch with a doctor, and they get started on ARV therapy immediately, for free, paid by the government. How wonderful is that?? I went to a Rotary meeting tonight and learned a little more about the stigma around HIV and AIDS. Some companies would fire people who were positive, while health insurance companies decrease coverage once you are found to be positive. In turn, that makes people not want to get tested, and it's of course a vicious cycle. Vickie Winkler, the founder of HEART (an absolutely wonderful woman, I am taking quite a liking to her and really look up to her) told me a story about her bringing a group of VCT members and community leaders for testing. She asked all the leaders to get tested first, they hesitated, but once they did, people were waiting in line to get tested! She said they did tests on 400 people in 2 days by doing that.

Other things that have happened- Kenyan children LOVE the camera :) They especially love to look at themselves once a digital picture is taken. They all yell "How are you? How are you? How are you?" over and over again until they get our attention. Or they come up to you, hug you, grab your hand, shake your hand, tug on your shirt... they are amazing little beings. And tough cookies! Some of the dental patients have been having some major work done, and they don't make a peep. I've also had many chances to sit down and talk to some of the Community Transformers. They are so bright. They have such high goals for themselves and are so inquisitive and interested in everything I have to say. They love to ask me questions and love to tell me about their lives. I'm learning so much from them. Nick, one of the CT/VCT team members told me about his uncle who is HIV positive and in turn, his 2 children are. I really was able to get such a great perspective, and learn that is what drives Nick to do well in his community. Another young man, Paul is a nurse. He wants to go to the US and become a citizen. Eric is another CT member who is a little shy, but he is so polite and helps me find things and translate if needed. I spoke to an older woman today, she is making me a necklace and bracelet with the HIV/AIDS ribbon in beads! She does beautiful work. Charles and Jesse are other great guys, Jesse works at HEART twice a week, then is at CT and VCT the other days. I talked to two other Kenyans today about our health insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, the cost of school, HIV/AIDS in the US. They were very interested, they learned a lot from me, and I from them.

Well, it's getting late for me, and I have another full day tomorrow. I'll try to keep you updated, but I thought you would be really interested in hearing a little bit about what I've been doing and what I've learned so far. It's so encouraging and I have just been so excited, almost to tears, for what these young men and women are doing! It's been a great experience so far!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Another blogger!

Sally (our team leader) also created a blog! Find hers at http://sallyskenyablog.blogspot.com/

Carl Good's Blog

Please check out another blog on our trip at: http://kenyaaidscarl.blogspot.com/. I think we will both try to keep up on the blog so everyone can read about us!

T-minus 7 hours until my plane leaves! Now I SHOULD be packed, right? Umm... :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm leaving tomorrow!

I can't believe I am leaving tomorrow!

Have a finished packing? Not exactly. I'll leave that to tomorrow to keep myself occupied :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

3 days and counting...

I can't believe it's almost here! I leave in only 3 days time. I picked up my malaria precautionary medication yesterday, and am finally almost done with my graduate school applications so I can get those in before I leave (I know, a small tangent, but, it's something that needs to get done before Saturday and it's leaving me in a bit of a panic).

In the past two days alone I have gotten $700.00 worth of donations! Unbelievable :) I can't wait to send out thank you notes with a great picture or on notes I buy in Kenya.

A special thanks to Derrick Lane, not only for sending me some mad cash, but for also calling in some meds for me today since I can't stop coughing. I really don't want to get on that plane when I'm sick, and my "awesome and strikingly handsome M.D." came to the rescue. (That quote is by him, I'll save it in my text inbox for proof :) haha) Not to mention, he's equipped me with a Z-Pak just in case. Thanks Derrick! It's a shame you can't join us, I'll try to bring some Kenyan beer back for you.

Any ways, it sounds like everyone is ready to rock and roll. Peter sent out an RSVP for whoever wants lunch every day catered by the Hilton. I heard Hilton, and that makes me think we'll be getting some decent grub.

I still haven't started packing yet, but never fear, my mom is on top of it. She called me not too long ago just to ask if I needed any batteries for my camera. I believe she's got everything nailed down to a mask to wear on the airplane and some extra sunscreen. I'm just responsible for my clothes, camera, list of people I need to buy stuff for, exam gloves (that can't be too hard, the box is still in my trunk!), bug repellent, iPod, make-up, you know, the usual.

I hope to post one more entry before I leave, but in case I don't, please do check back periodically! I do believe we will have access to the internet, and I plan to keep everyone updated on here. Leave me comments sil-vous-plait!

Ciao for now :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Back to the HEART...

Good morning!

Yesterday I met Sally and Barry to pick up several boxes of exam gloves. I've got a huge tupperware container of gloves in my trunk, about 45 pounds worth! Luckily, I can leave it in the tupperware and have that as my second piece of luggage to check on the airplane.

Sally mentioned to me a few choices I had on where I would be placed in Nairobi. I am interested in working with the HIV/AIDS educators, as well as shadowing Vickie Winkler, the founder of HEART. Because of this, Sally and Peter have been working the past 24 hours on getting me back into staying at the HEART lodge for the 2 weeks, so it will be much easier for me to go with Vickie on all her day trips. From what Sally told me, I will be joining Vickie in smaller communities and seeing how her organization works. I love the sound of that :)

My goal this weekend: Start on a list of things I need to bring. I also need to pick up my malaria precautionary medication at CVS, I called the Fulton County Board of Health on Tuesday to have them call my prescription in, and it should be ready today. I have to start taking it 2 days before I leave, while I am in Nairobi, and 7 days after I get back. I hope this one doesn't have much side effects...

Have a great weekend! 8 more days until I leave! :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Overwhelming response

Good afternoon readers!

I have had an overwhelming response to my fundraising letters! I cannot thank everyone enough for helping out! Now it's time to get to work on thank you letters!

I do have some exciting news. Our efforts in Nairobi will be recognized at a reception at the US Ambassador's house on Thursday, September 25. I am very excited about that. We received an official letter of invitation the other day, with a U.S. Embassy letterhead.

This Wednesday or Thursday I have to meet Sally to pick up several boxes of exam gloves to bring over. WellStar in Marietta, GA has donated the gloves to us to bring for the mission! This is a real blessing because exam gloves have become very expensive and hard to come by. Thanks WellStar!!

That's all for today, less than 2 weeks until we leave! :)